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Judith calls for a Queensbury Banking Hub

Judith is campaigning for better access to face-to-face banking services in Bradford.


Judith is exploring the banking hubs to maintain access to cash in Queensbury

In Judith’s Bradford South constituency, the closure of the last bank branch in 2022 means that many people must now travel three miles to access in-person banking, making it much harder for people to access cash, pay money in or get face-to-face help.


Judith has been working with LINK, the UK’s largest cash machine network provider and who have a responsibility to review every community’s access to cash, to examine the challenges residents face accessing financial services in Bradford South.


Following a review requested by Judith, LINK has agreed to visit Queensbury to complete a full community assessment to see if a local banking hub is suitable.


A ‘banking hub’ is like a traditional bank branch but is available to everyone. They have a counter service where customers of all main banks can withdraw and deposit cash, make bill payments, and carry our regular banking transactions. The hubs have private spaces where people can see someone from their own bank on a rotating basis - so there will be staff from different banks available on different days.


Speaking about her work with LINK, Judith said:


“Banking hubs are starting to be set up where there is a clear need for improved access to banking services. There is a strong case for Queensbury to have one and the opportunity to be explore this possibility with LINK is exciting.”


“Queensbury’s location as one of the highest villages in England means that residents and the community’s many thriving local businesses must either travel down into the city centres of Bradford or Halifax to get to their nearest branch.


“Everyone should be able to sort their banking locally, without having to travel miles and miles.”


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